about the writers

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hallo all, rufmafur's here or you can also call me (maruf), i just an ordinary kid trying to be an extraordinary, then thanks for visited my blog anyway, don't forget to read and leave comment, and i just wanna say "wish better in the future" hihihihi thank you, bye

Selasa, 08 September 2009


ahh bosen sekali..
liburan tidak kemana mana hari ini,,
eh gak deng gw pengen nonton ama kakak gw tapi ntar malem masih lama huh,,
soal nya kakak gw kuliah dulu sih,,
rencananya pengen ke tugasku my lovely school ever hahaha lebay..
eh gak jadi soal nya teman teman gw pada gak masuk hari ini gak tau kenapa wew..
huh,, handphone gw belom bener lagi padahal kan pengen smsan sama teman teman dan si Mrs.S huh kangen banget hehehehe..

the point is i'm boring now!!!!!!!!

welcome back home sweat home yeay

haloo,, rufmafur's here,,
welcome back maruf!!! to your home sweat home hahha
i'm totally happy(:
but i have leave my school in bandung until 1 months,,
it's too long hhahaha,,